How long did it take ya'll before you started to see results after you began taking the injections?
My husband missed the muscle this morning with the shot. He gave me another one in the muscle. Will the one that didn't go in the muscle work or did I just waste it?
I'm on these injections and using my fitness pal. Haven't been on it long. I'm eating right and eating 1200 calories a day. Also walking/jogging 2 miles a day. The calories I lose from the exercise subtract off the 1200 calorie diet. Does that mean at the end of the night I have to eat 200 or 300 more calories before bed…
I've been dieting and exercising on my fitness pal since Thursday. Everytime I get my number of calories where they are supposed to be, the exercising knocks the calories back down under the limit. Does that mean at the end of the night I have to eat enough to replace those calories for me to lose weight?