whats wrong with my leg?
i recently started the couch to 5k plan. last week i was jogging and when i turned a corner i sort of twisted my shin. i tried googling the pain im feeling but the results that come up are either about the back (like a charlie hourse) or lower close to the ankle. but my pain is high in the front. if you picture the…
im officialy starting my diet. will this work?
I'm a 19 year old girl. I'm 5'5 and I weigh 194 pounds. Currently I eat the most horrible things. Mostly fast food, microwaving meals, pop tarts etc. And I NEVER workout. Heres what I'm going to start doing... As far as eating goes, I'm only going to eat when I'm hungry and my stomach growls. Which only happens once or…
whats wrong with only doing cardio?
i recently lost 60 pounds just from switching to diet soda lol. i was 240 and now im 180. and now i wanna lose more the right way. my mom has been giving me tips on what to eat. basicly never eating bad carbs so that your body will burn fat first. but i know i need to exercise as well or else ill have that loose left over…