Ladies, 5'7, what's your goal weight?
I'm afraid mine might be too low, what is everyone's goal weight?
Fighting against Genetics?
My apologies in advance if something like this has already been posted and discussed. Tonight, my brother and I were talking and I asked him, showing him a picture of Jamie Eason, if he ever thought I'd get even a smidge close to looking like her one day ... and he said no. He said that no matter how hard I workout or how…
All things pumpkin!
I don't know about ya'll, but I LOVE pumpkin. Found this recipe on the LiveFit facebook page and it sounds delish, thought I would pass along! (From the facebook post, I guess it ran in FitnessRx magazine...NOT my own recipe!) Quick Pumpkin Pie Mousse - 109 Cal, 3.5g protein, carbs 7.3g, Fat 4.3g, cholesterol 12 mg, sodium…
Early morning exercisers...help a night owl out!
For quite some time now, my schedule has really been in the way of me getting fit...I'm definitely a night owl, but I've toned that down enough to being in bed my 10:30pm during the week and usually on the weekends as well. My problem is that I am NOT a morning person, and I can never seem to get up early enough to get my…