What is your reward?
Everyone has goals they want to achieve whether they are big or small. So how does everyone reward themselves? For my small goals I will usually do something special for myself like a mani/pedi. Since I haven't really reached a big goal yet I want to see how you all do it.
getting started
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am doing fine with the dieting part of all of this, I just can't seem to get myself going on the exercise part. I have a job where I am on my feet 10-12 hours a day, so by the time I get home I just don't want to do anything. I know I need to I just can't get there. Any…
hello all
I am new to the website but no stranger to the whole diet/weight loss game. I have been big my whole life and finally decided when I saw the scale hit 283 that it was time to get serious, so here I am. I have lost 32 lbs already and my goal is 100 more. I just wanted to say hello and ask for support as I am doing this…