1. Log in here EVERY DAY! 2. Drink my water EVERY DAY! 3. Gym 3 times a week, at mimimum! I don't have a weight goal, but would love to lose 30-50lbs in 100 days... we shall see lol My anniversary is May 14.. ;)
I was here over a year ago maybe more .. lol I need help staying motivated and back on track. I've been working on losing weight for soooo long - and turn 30 in October, which is my goal date of being who I see myself.. My PLAN is to get back at the gym asap (hurt my back a few weeks ago.. always an excuse) and hit it…
well - here I am! I am Robyn, wife to D, mom to C & E. Need to lose over 100lbs.......... Can't believe it, but I WILL be successful!!! Can't wait to be accountable to people! :)