right now I'm an F cup. I've lost about twenty pounds and things are looking a tad droopy? I have almost sixty more pounds to go, and the odds are good that my goods are going to be looking a little odd. does anyone have experience with post weight loss breast stuff, lifts, implants, etc? I'm seeing a plastic surgeon in a…
Okay. So even before I gained weight I've always been busty, even when I ran cross country in high school I was miserable because I couldn't find a decent sports bra for someone whose cups runneth over. Does anyone out there know a good company that sells an affordable sports bra that an actually support like, an F cup? My…
My name is Hannah and I've been on here for a few weeks. I'm trying to lose about 78lbs and I've lost about 20 so far (I lost a little before I joined) I broke my ankle a few years ago and stress ate 40lbs onto myself while I was stuck in a wheelchair and losing my job. I gained more weight after that, and in combination…