My friend lost nearly 70lbs on Herbalife... He rant and raves about the products... But most have caffine, which I cannot take. So, I'm kinna left with the water pills and shakes... So, what makes Herba-life shakes so different than the GNC brand shakes??
Okay this is getting very frustrating guys... I work out 4-5 times a week. I sometimes binge but for the most part, I keep my serving sizes small. And I actually gained weight! I do about 30-40 mins of cardio and 20 mins of crunches and leg presses. But I'm gaining weight! DO you think its possible that I could be gaining…
I've made it, I finally completed my account... And boy seeing my goal is an eye opener! I need to get on it and get on it FAST HAHAHA... The tools myfitnesspal offers is just like weight watchers and luckily for me, I have WW scale at home so I'm good to go... Ne who, my name is Naisha and I have 145lbs to burn off... THE…
Okay ya'll........ SO I recently submitted a post regarding never feeling satisfied and always hungry. First off thanks to all that have replied but the most vaulable reply was when someone said to start eating almonds in lue of bananas and oranges due to calorie intake. (Don't take it the wrong way "MIND IN THE GUTTER")…