Just wanted to wish any other MFP Baha'is a Happy Ayyam-i-Ha and a good Fast period. Do you have any great meals to suggest for during the Fast? We typically add a hearty chicken soup to our breakfast menu to help hold us over until dinner.
I was wondering if there is a connection between being overweight my whole life and feeling cold. I am generally cool except in the summer, and have been for as long as I can remember. Granted, we keep the house around 66-68degrees in the winter. I think I feel colder right after eating a meal, but maybe that's in my head.…
I've been using this site for about a week and I really like it. I would love to friend anyone with a similar situation as this: For some reason, I started off as a normal little kid but by the time I started Kindergarten, I really started to be a little chubette. I was always teased in school for being fat. When I was 12,…
I just joined and was checking out the tools, and looked at the BMI calculator. I was surprised when it estimated mine at 29, when my scale says it's 40. I'm assuming the scale is more accurate. For a second I was like, "Maybe I'm not morbidly obese!"