Anyone here ever done this workout? 3RFT 30 wall balls 20/14 30 SDHP 75/55 30 box jumps 24/20 30 push press 75/55 30 calorie row 30 push ups 10 body weight squats I did it today, RXd everything but the body weight squats, and it took me 55 minutes. I think it was the hardest WOD I've ever done. Just wondering if anyone…
In my OnRamp program, I happily completed 1 rope climb, and I still have the scars to prove it. Today we had them in our WOD, but I chose not to do them. So here's my question: I like to wear tight fitting but breathable tanks and shorts to WODs, because I was a swimmer for 10 years and if I could WOD in a swimsuit I…
Hello all! I'm new to crossfit (like just finished intro classes and did first WOD today) and I'm trying to figure out when it's ok to say "no" to my coaches. They're all very motivating, but they think I can lift more than I can. I'm in decent cardio shape, but not in lifting shape in the least. I was a really good…