I have really been having problems sleeping lately. REALLY REALLY BAD. Problems falling asleep... problems staying asleep.. the whole 9 yards! When I take 1 Tylenol PM it seems to help (anymore and I can't wake up in the morning). Problem is I want to be able to sleep without any drugs. Are there other ideas? Didn't know…
I am starting to exercise again, Crossfit kind of exercise so a mixture of everything along with running. I have large bruises on the inside of my ankle bones and I didn't hit them on anything. It hurts when I press on them or even the pounding on the ground when I try to run. I tried to Google it, see maybe what could be…
So I installed this on my phone April 2011... used it a few weeks and went back to Weight Watchers. I was having problems trying to enter foods into 2 diet programs!! Nothing wrong with Weight Watchers (I am a Lifetime Member), it helped me lose 60 pounds after my second baby (can't blame the weight on the babies anymore…