I will be honest I have come to think I am addicted to food, I was doing well at slimming world but lost all my willpower when my husband left me and I became a single mum. I fell into comfort eating and adopted some extremely bad habits and ended up snacking on rubbish when I fancied it and adding a 4th meal in the form…
Hey girlies, Was just wondering how your period affects your progress seems to affect your weight loss, i have been doing so well but now the pre menstrual symptoms (cramps etc) are making an appearance i have put back on a lb was just wondering if this affected anyone else? have looked online and seems to be common but…
hI all, i live in se london/kent area now 27 eeek! I am doing this not as a diet but a change of life and hoping that by not putting myself through a super strict regime i will loose weight this time in a way that i can make it just normal everyday and therefore not yo yo with my weight. I have a health condition that…