'Adios' says it's a natural aid to weight loss, but does anyone know if it's actually ok for you? Has it worked for anyone? or is it just a diuretic? Thanks if anyone can help!x
O actually, it may have been the steroids.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2471523/Steroids-turned-man--The-female-bodybuilder-drug-habit-left-penis-facial-hair.html
Hiya, I have been registered on here for a loooong time, and yo yo-ing in weight that whole time. I am looking for anyone who would like to add as friends on here for support and encouragement. I have a couple of friends on here but they take it even less seriously than i used to! ;-) I am in the zone and want to get to my…
Hi, I recently tried the Dukan diet which, in the attack phase consists of lean meat and low fat dairy. It worked really well, but is so dull!!! plus not good for cholesterol. I lost 5 pounds in a week, but unless you stick to Dr Dukan’s guidelines you cannot keep this weight off. Anywho, this diet has really made me think…