Hey guys. When I feel blue (extra depressed/sad) I lose my ability to care about myself - ie, not logging food, not eating as well, not going for a walk or doing my PT exercises. My usual Christian practices lapse too & when I do pray it doesn’t help. Any thoughts on how to overcome this cr*p??
Hi, I've got Fibro with Chronic Fatigue, severe mixed sleep apnea, arthritic issues from aging & old sports/auto injuries and other lovely stuff; nothing organ-related or major as my "labs are normal" per the medical world...but now, I'm a "fall risk." I've fallen badly twice in the past year due to losing muscle tone &…
Hi there! I joined over 60 days ago and have lost about 10 lbs...for the first time in several years while actually EATING FOOD. I did a 6-day "Joe's" Juice Fast the first of the New Year and lost 12...gained some back when I started eating again. But this time, the 1200-calorie thing I've chosen is working! Thing…
I can't seem to find the machine exercises I'm starting and the few I did put in showed nothing as far as calories burned. Can anyone help on this topic? Though as long as I'm exercising (and still losing weight), even if it doesn't "log" it I guess that's ok! Thanks ~ Barb aka FairBreez