I am 29 yr old female. 5' 5" and currently at 68Kg. I was away from gym or any form of exercise for good 4 years bcz of medical reasons. Was taking some medicines which made me gain weight like anything. And 53Kg beautiful me is no longer there.. Now that medically i am fit, i joined a near by gym last month. To begin…
In body analysis showed by BMR as 1255. Do you think its very low? How can I increase my BMR?
I have been working out for last 5-6 months with goal of losing weight. Started with burning 200-300 cal per day just on cardio. Later got a personal trainer to help me move into strength training area. When I took a full body analysis in my Gym, it turned out that my muscle mass is low by 5kg and fat is high by 12kg. I…