Everyone; Here is the link for voting. Vote Daniel R. 40-49 You can vote once every 24 hours so please vote more than once!!! Thanks This message has been approved by me!!! ONLINE VOTING HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN! http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/beachbody-challenge/vote/quarterly THE RULES: It's every man for himself, and…
Hi everyone; I need your help! I am in the running for the Beachbody Challenge Quarterly Success Story (40-49) age group. The prize for this is $5000 and a all expense paid trip to Los Angles and I would really like to win this. I am one of 12 contestants in my age group so i have a 1 in 12 shot however the decision for…
Hey everyone....Check this out!!! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=412580632157534&set=vb.232937223455210&type=2&theater
Hi everyone I wanted to share my success story that I have been working on. I will also post my before and after pic as well. The story itself is kind of long and wordy but I would appreciate any input that you all can give me. This is my first posting so please bear with me. Also I want to thank the MFP people as their…