Hi, I used to be on this site a lot and I started at 150lbs and got down to 145. I was so happy but now I'm upto 160. I'm a bit sad because it's the heaviest I've ever been. I have a prom coming up at the end of May and I want to lose some weight. Is it possible for me to lose 8lbs by the end of April? I weigh 161, my…
I've been reading a lot on no carb diets and I haven't got anywhere. Everyone says something different. Can someone please tell me if they're healthy? I read that there are symptoms when doing a no carb diet, is this true?
Hey guys I'm kind of new and I have a question. I'm trying to lose weight and get abs. I read in one post that I should lose fat and get lean muscle, but how? Also I was wondering, would protein shakes help me achieve this? Or will I just be gaining weight. Also, do I have to do a lot of strength training if I drink the…