Hey everyone. So I'm F, 23 yrs, 5'3", 143lbs, and trying to lose about 20 pounds. After journaling my food intake for a week I realized that my previous caloric intake was about 1800 - 2500/day with eating whatever I wanted, drinking alcohol, and no exercise. My BMR is pretty low at 1170 (got this number from a bodpod…
Hi there, I'm new to this and i'm trying to track all calories in and out. I'm struggling with how to do this when I go to the gym. When I walk/jog it's easy - run keeper tells me according to my pace/duration/weight/ ect. I'm struggling with how to track calories when I go to the gym to weight train. Since I am just…
Hey there! So I'm F, 23 yrs, 5'3" and 141 pounds. I tracked calories in a journal over a week and depending on the day I consumed from 1600-2000 cals a day, which has steadily contributed to my weight gain. My BMR is pretty low at 1170 (according to a bodpod test I did last year). I'm debating on how low I should go on my…