This may be the wrong forum for this thread, but I was wondering if people have had any experience with "deflation" in their early-to-mid thirties (I'm 33)? I've had stretch marks in various places since I was 21, but I've never had loose or sagging skin, even after periods of weight loss. Should I expect to see some bits…
I'm British, but have spent a fair amount of time in the US. In the last 15-20 years, UK supermarkets have provided more and more processed foods (or ready meals), but you can still find absolutely any raw ingredient you like at most large supermarkets, and a decent enough selection in the express, 7/11 type stores (I'm…
Hello. I'm a 33 year old male, living in London, working in a pretty standard cube farm. I haven't been an athlete since my early twenties, and I'm under no illusions that I ever will be again, but I do want to shift the extra*extra* weight that has crept up on me since starting on my current sedentary career (I used to…
Hi, Are there any particular benefits or disadvantages to a 5 days on, 2 days off diet? I find my resolve isn't made of iron, and I get frustrated with diets if I can't eat the foods I like. The most effective weight loss I had in the last ten years was following a fairly sensible diet 5 days a week (porridge for…