I'm doing strength training and need a minimum of 100-150 grams of protein a day. I find it almost impossible to do. That's like eating the equivalent of 7-10 cups of beans or a 1-2 cups of peanut butter per day (both about 1500-2300 cal). There must be a better way....I really don't feel the "fake meat" or protein powder…
I wondered if anyone on this forum is doing the program from the home strength training program in the book "Body By You". I saw some old postings in groups but they don't seem active. I wondered if there was anyone else interested in this program or has done it. It would be great to exchange questions/answers etc.
I'm a newbie so forgive me if this has been asked before: I've searched the web for various bike calorie calculators per mile based on my weight/height/speed etc...and they are dramatically different. Even Mapmyride app is double what the others are. I just want a basic estimate so that I know how much MORE I should eat…
Glad to be here! I learned about this website through Kaiser after taking a weight management class. Unfortunately most online diet communities assume you eat meat. And if not, they assume you can just substitute tofu. I'm interested in learning how to bring more protein and less carbs into my life. I have a lot of weight…