Isolation Transformation!!!
Hi folks! I'm your typical mid-40's office worker. I eat like *kitten*, and I don't exercise. I'm tired, overweight and I don't think I could run around the block. And I'm absolutely determined to changing my reality! My province is locked down - all non-essential business is closed, and people are to stay home. This is my…
Plant-based diet and Crossfit.
So here I am. I've been watching some documentaries on Plant-based diet with my favourite girl, and I've joined a Crossfit class (it starts next week). I'm absolutely blown away on the data linking animal products to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. I've lived my whole life oblivious to this! I'm excited to begin this…
Broccoli Stems
Does anybody have advice on how to enjoy broccoli stems? My whole life I've been cutting off and eating the flower, and throwing the stems in the compost. Time to learn to love these!
Does anybody hit their Potassium goal?
This seems to be my biggest struggle, nutrient-wise. I'm on track with most other things, but my potassium is way low. Squash, sweet potato, banana... here I come!