Going Keto? NEW youtube video!
Thanks for the support guys!! https://youtu.be/QeXXF04fm94
InstantPot (or other pressure cooker) Opinions? Please.
Hi Guys! I'm almost to my first weight loss goal, and I wanted to reward myself with an Instant Pot, or similar pressure cooker. Any opinions on the subject matter? Thanks!
Fitbit Peeps wanted!
Hey guys! Just got a Charge 2. Join me on fitbit! Looking forward to seeing over there! Post your profile link below! https://www.fitbit.com/user/6D7GG6
Anyone interested in a new vlog?
I'm shying away from my text blog, while I still put the video links up there as well. I can just say more in a video. https://youtu.be/d_VW9PBADlA
New youtube video up/blog post!
Hope you'd like to take a look! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfxPBBiqgQM
Up 1.6lbs and I feel like crapola.
I know it isn't fat gain. I know it isn't diet. I KNOW it is the fact that I recently started exercising consistently (heck I'm still sore). My diet has been on point 1200-1400 cals a day. I KNOW I had hella sodium and moderate carbs yesterday. But still....I'm upset. ~sigh~
Weekly Movement Challenge
What is your movement goal for this week? Given that we are all on the heavier side, lets be kind to ourselves and start with moving! What do you wish to accomplish? Me? Walking the stairs for 15 minutes every day I'm at work. (I'm a nurse).
What is your "life style" change?
Everything in moderation, atkins, keto, low carb, DASH, Myplate, CICO, Low Glycemic Index? What are you following? Do you expect this to be a long term deal, or do you anticipate having to make modifications after you get closer to your goal weight? Lets discuss!
WNY/Buffalo newbies (ish)?
Looking for locals! I'm not new, I'm just rededicated~ 34yo female, 5'7", 284.4lbs (currently), CICO Shoot me a msg or a friend request and let me know you're local. I'd love some close friends!
Feelings guilty for NOT exercising on days you work 13+?
I work 13 hour shifts. I wake up at 4am and don't walk in the door until almost 8pm. I feel guilty for not working out on days that I have to work (especially when I do 2...or 3) in a row. If I work a single, it isn't as bad, I can normally muster up some energy to get SOME type of workout in. I was going to try to do my…
Working out while sick? Opinions?
Hello everyone. Im behind schedule a couple of days due to a death in the family. However, now that things have calmed down I wanted to get back at it :) I woke up today with major sinus pressure, double ear infection, and significant chest congestion.... I just couldnt get on the treadmill.... WWYD? Would you have worked…
Young death in the family, falling off the wagon....guilt?
We just had a young and unexpected death in the family. I have fallen off the wagon. Not totally...more like slipped off and held on to the wagon as it kept moving down the road. Only for two days. PLEASE tell me I shouldnt feel guilty....Im beating myself up on top of everything else that is going on. Im back on track…
This really kind of peeves me off...
Im considering weight loss surgery. My seminar was supposed to be tonight. Asked a good "friend" and my sister in law. Seminar starts @ 6pm. "Friend" texts me at 5:03 and bails on me. Sister in law sent me right to voicemail. (Husband is working thats why he originally couldnt come) WTF man, they ask me to do something and…
Apparently not high enough of a calorie intake? But Im not h
Hello Everyone! My name is Holly and @ last weigh in I was 296.2 (starting weight 307). Any who, here is my problem. I have worked nights for 10 years, recently moving to a day position....so Im eating like a normal human being... I have been making smart food choices, and am full. However, it seems to be per mfp that I'm…