At the beginning of summer ( June) I was 5'8 and 119 pounds. I've been dealing with horribly bad episodes of binging this summer like 4000/5000 kcal +, and now in september, I weigh 127 pounds. I've put on about 8 pounds this summer, which seems like so much, but according to my BMI i'm at a healthy weight for my height (…
I think my stomach is a bottomless pitt... Some binges that i've read about say they've eaten 2500 calories. This morning at around 6 AM, I ate about 4000 calories of : 4 bowls sugarless muesli,6 tbls of organic peanut butter, around 5 slices whole wheat bread and butter and honey, 1 apple, 1 big bowl of pasta. I know, i'm…
I had a HUGE binge yesterday ( 4000 calories +), usually after I have binges I heavily restrict my diet the next day, however, despite having huge binges, i find restricting only leads me to binge again later on. Because of my BED i've completely lost a sense of what a normal days eating should be. Today I had...…