looking for friends at 186lb! strange i know!
I am reallllllly struggling now! i've managed to lose 62lb then recently gained 3lb. not happy about that. My weight has been dropping off so slowly since january. Not happy about that either! but I am so determined to get to my goal. I've got about another 30lb to lose. Anyone similar to me?? If I see people around me…
how to lose abt 10kg in 6 weeks??
hello! My friend is trying desperately trying to lose 10kg - 15kg for a wedding in may/june. Shes eating 900 cals a day and using a cross trainer. But she says not much is happening. Can anyone suggest how she can lose the weight quickly? Its only for 6 weeks so she'll try anything! Shes abt 73kg and abt 5'8. Any advice…
Light headed? from weight loss??
Hi guys! I thought i'd ask the question here to see if anyone else has this. I've been feeling light headed for about 6 weeks now. Only happens if i bend down, or stand from sitting or lying. I dont know if this is a result of the weight loss? or something else? is it something i should be concerned about? its starting to…
please help! plateau going on for too long! :-(
Hello! i really need advice. I've been struggling to lose weight since the beginning of the year. I've already lost 57lb so far. I still have about 30lb to lose. I was given advice by a friend to change what i was eating to get out of the plateau, i managed to lose 6lb but now i'm stuck again! Should i increase my…
I'm new and confused!!! & need friends!
Hello! I have 74lb to lose. I started myfitnesspal yesterday but a little bit confused about things. and i'd like some friends! anyone would be nice, so far i have noone!!! Please send me a message and i'll try and find it!!!