Has anyone eaten them and are they worth buying? They're protein bars for those who don't know.
I've decided to cut out all liquid calories with smoothies as the only exception. Would you guys recommend this? Sometimes I'll substitute lunch for a smoothie and to be honest, they're pretty filling. My favorite is Strawberry Banana from Boathouse farms and it only has 130 calories.
What do you guys usually eat for breakfast or lunch that you would recommend?
Hey guys! Today, I begin my journey to a healthier me. I don't have many friends that are into the whole getting fit scene, so I hope to meet new people on here :) If you ever need some motivating, and would like to give some in return ( =p ), don't hesitate to add me! Can't wait to meet you all and educate myself further…
Hey guys! I have a treadmill and stationary bike in my apartment, but I get bored incredibly easily. I feel that I can improve my weight loss and over all strength if I incorporated different exercises. At the moment, my sister and I are starting the 28 day squat challenge. I'll be using weights as well but do you guys…
Hey guys! I joined this about a month or two ago, can't remember now... but a couple of the people I've added barely log in anymore. So if you're adamant on using this a lot as well as hitting a certain goal, I'd love to be your friend :) I'm definitely a big motivator and won't mind helping you out either! =]