So I have an embarassing problem that ive suffered with for about 10 years now. Im not talking about mindless munching after dinner hour. I actually get up in the middle of the night to eat. Usually carbs/fat. i'm not sleepwalking because i can remember being up but its like i loose control. I thought this was such an…
Hi. I am having surgery next week and will not be able to get back to the gym for about 3 weeks and then i can go back for light activity. This really puts a kink in my weight loss plan but id really like to still try and loose some weight. Has anyone been in a similar situation and still managed to knock off a few lbs. I…
Anyone try this or want to try it? It was featured on Dr. Phil today and it got my attention. Probably all advice i already know....high protein, fruits and veggies, healthy fat and excercise but it would be nice to have the whole plan all laid out for you....takes out all the decision making and guess work.