One of the best books for WEIGHT LOSS: Old School New Body for men and women:
Hello; My story with obesity. I looked in the mirror and realized that I was not happy with myself. I also realized I was starting to get past middle age and soon my health was going to start showing signs of wear and tear. I had the gastric sleeve done and I started a regular strength program (5 times per week). I also…
We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase I". As a recap, you learned how you should adjust your diet to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey.…
Hello; My story with obesity I looked in the mirror and realized that I was not happy with myself. I also realized I was starting to get past middle age and soon my health was going to start showing signs of wear and tear. I had the gastric sleeve done and I started a regular strength program (5 times per week). I also run…
How can a quick weight loss also be a healthy weight loss? Truthfully, if this is the thought on your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people interested in weight loss today. In fact, the true thought that the majority of weight loss seeker are having is, "How can I have a quick weight loss?" There is no…