I need to start working my abs but I have lower back problems. Full situps and leg lifts are not an option. I do crunches but I am looking for other options. Any suggestions?
So, I live on the east coast and was hit by Irene. Well, we had no damage (thank God) but lost power for what seemed like forever. Each day, I have been bringing my clothes and shower items to work to shower before I started my work day. Well, yesterday, I brought everything to work only to find that I left my work clothes…
I am looking for new ideas for snacks. Usually I eat fruit and have either a yogurt or a small cottage cheese. I will also throw in a cheese stick or almonds into the mix but I just feel like I am eating the same things and I need a little variety. Any suggestions??
I keep seeing it all over the message boards and I can't figure it out. Can someone turn the lightbulb on? HA! Thanks.