Post up your favorite bean recipes, please! Black, kidney, garbanzo, cannellini- whatever!
So my Polar HRM needs a new battery- can I get it replaced locally or do I need to send it in to Polar? I've had it for over two years so I'm pretty sure any warranty on the device is null. Personal experiences encouraged (rather than a guess or an opinion). Thanks.
Manual treadmills are cheaper, lighter, and easier to store but I've heard they can be hard on the joints. Any thoughts?
Hi friends, I have recently been feeling some pain in my left knee. I don't have a history of knee problems, but I do have a history of short/tight tendons and bursa. I have been working out, but I don't think I am over-doing it- I usually walk for 45-60minutes (3 times a week) at 3.8 MPH with some 10 minute jogs at 4.2…
So I'm 24....and I live in I have heard of this popular gizmo: wii. I'm not really into video games but I think it could be a great tool for working out at home as I have heard so many people do. So here are the question(s): 1) Is it a great workout? Anyone with a HRM know if it gets their HR where it needs…