Afraid of going to the gym?
Ladies! No matter who you are, whether you weight 90lbs or 700lbs, don't be afraid to go to the gym! I understand that stared and comments can be EXTREMELY demotivational! Insecurity is bad enough, and being taunted and feeling self conscious can be a deal breaker when it comes to working out in public. Please, don't be…
Anyone Feel like Procrastinating Their Health?
I'm sure we've all thought this before: "I'll stop eating ___ tomorrow." or "Tomorrow, I'm going to start exercising." or something else related to this. I've discovered something. This mentality fails for me. I've found that I motivate myself when I say, "You know what? I'm not going to wait for tomorrow. I'm going to eat…
I love the smell of fitness in the morning.
I'm about to leave this computer and go for a nice long run; to the gym, where I will then weightlift a bit. What other exercises are y'all doing this morning? Also, what do you plan on eating for breakfast afterwards? I plan on eggs myself, scrambled, about an hour after I finish running. <3
5/7 Days a week? o.0
Is running 5 out of 7 days a week progressive enough to help with weight loss, as long as I stay under my limits on the other 2/7 days? I got into the habit of running after I take my father to work, but he has off on the weekends and I usually end up sleeping in and then losing motivation to go running. Should I not worry…
Okay. Woke up late, around 10, and completely lost all motivation to get up and run. I don't feel like trying to fit in a couple miles today either. Blech. Anyone else in the same boat???
Feeling down?
Post why here, I'll help pick ya' up. I've become fairly adept at turning destructive moods into motivation sources for fellow fitness pals. d(^.^)b
Establishing My Routine, Finding Motivation
I have recently begun my path to a better looking, more physically fit me. Unwilling to conform to any of the strict diets established already, I've created my own. I haven't so much created a plan so much as I have just become health conscious. I don't want to commit myself to someone else's plan which involves completely…