Afraid of going to the gym?

Ladies! No matter who you are, whether you weight 90lbs or 700lbs, don't be afraid to go to the gym! I understand that stared and comments can be EXTREMELY demotivational! Insecurity is bad enough, and being taunted and feeling self conscious can be a deal breaker when it comes to working out in public.

Please, don't be discouraged. I hated working out in public, but one day I woke up and thought to myself, "I want to get in better shape, and to do that I want to start going to the gym. So, no matter what people think, I'm there for me; not for them."

I, though still insecure about my body at 160lbs being 5'7", walk confidently down the sidewalk because, no matter what other people think of me, I am working on improving myself, so no comment about my appearance can hurt me. I'm trying.

I am posting this as a response to another topic which commented on gym attire. Ladies, wear what you feel comfortable/comfident in when you attend the gym. By all means, follow set dress codes made by the gyms, but wear what you are secure in. (Though, I would have to draw a line at wearing lingerie... That's a little too much. Kudos, however, if you are THAT confident in yourself. d(^.^)b )

Links for slight motivation:

((***Just because I included these articles, I am not saying that I myself believe in everything in them; I just find that they may help others, who might think differently than I.)


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    It used to be scary going to the gym but I realized nobody really cares about each other and they're there for themselves!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Like, like a thousand times like.

    Go you!
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    Well said thank u
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    you couldn't have said it any better. I started my journey at 222 lbs and went to the gym b/c a friend of mine ran it and I was going to workout with her. I dropped 30 lbs and now I work there. I'm no where near my goal but now I get paid to work out. I love it. Do some cardio and do some weights and get stronger and stronger and before you know it you will have lost your mind and signed up for a Tri. :)
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    I miss the gym because everyone was there for the same reason. To get into shape. Thats one place I really didnt feel judged and i wore booty shorts at 200lbs just cuz i was taking a sweating to the oldies step aerobics class.
  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    I had actually just read that thread before stumbling upon this one..

    Thanks for having said the things you said. Tonight I am struggling with going back to the gym, and had in fact posted earlier about my insecurities with going BACK. After reading that thread about gym attire, I truely considered NOT going back at all, or until I was 50 pounds lighter....

    Now, who knows... Judgemental folks are the reason I feel the need to hide under my 150 extra pounds!
  • cieraangel
    cieraangel Posts: 88 Member
    I realized nobody really cares about each other and they're there for themselves!

    I wish that were true, but it's obvious some people DO care. I guess the goal has to be, not caring what they think one way or the other. I'm not there yet.
  • nytenurse03
    nytenurse03 Posts: 29 Member
    :smile: LOVE IT
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
    NICELY SAID!!!!!
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    I think that any person who is working towards bettering themselves should be given our full support. I might not like it if some people wear certain clothing, but it is really my own opinion and therefore, I can keep it to myself. As long as they aren't breaking any rules, it's none of my business. (Not that it would really be any of my business anyway. :/ )
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i dont like gping to the gym bc i get hit on by creepy juice heads... realllly annoying
  • SummerFun2011
    Love this so much! :D I used to be terrified of the gym xD I still kind of am xD
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    I had actually just read that thread before stumbling upon this one..

    Thanks for having said the things you said. Tonight I am struggling with going back to the gym, and had in fact posted earlier about my insecurities with going BACK. After reading that thread about gym attire, I truely considered NOT going back at all, or until I was 50 pounds lighter....

    Now, who knows... Judgemental folks are the reason I feel the need to hide under my 150 extra pounds!

    Pfft. Don't feel the need to hide. You're beautiful, just not the same beautiful as the stick figure working the elliptical. You're perfect as you are, and are just striving for another level of perfection. Think of it like trading up. As long as you're working on it, I don't think that anyone should feel embarassed about being overweight. Some onlookers will think what they will, but they don't know you personally and therefore don't understand, so don't feel spiteful or it will break your resolve.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I realized nobody really cares about each other and they're there for themselves!

    I wish that were true, but it's obvious some people DO care. I guess the goal has to be, not caring what they think one way or the other. I'm not there yet.

    From my experience most people at the gym are so consumed with who may or may not be looking at them that they don't have much time to be looking at others.
  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    I love that you posted this. I was very offended by the gym attire post but wasn't going to say a word. Good for you for posting this!
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    I love that you posted this. I was very offended by the gym attire post but wasn't going to say a word. Good for you for posting this!
    One comment in that thread wouldn't have reached the people that needed to read it.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    I realized nobody really cares about each other and they're there for themselves!

    I wish that were true, but it's obvious some people DO care. I guess the goal has to be, not caring what they think one way or the other. I'm not there yet.

    From my experience most people at the gym are so consumed with who may or may not be looking at them that they don't have much time to be looking at others.
    LOL I love how true this is!!! They are so absorbed in watching who is around and who might be looking/ how they appear that they hardly notice anyone else.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    Love this so much! :D I used to be terrified of the gym xD I still kind of am xD

    Each person that goes there pays the same amount of money and therefore should feel the same amount of freedom and entitlement to be there.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Sometimes women do their hair and wear make up as if they're going out to go to the gym... just crazy.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    Sometimes women do their hair and wear make up as if they're going out to go to the gym... just crazy.

    Well, I find it ridiculous, but if they need it to feel confident while working out, then by all means go at it.

    But, I might be concerned for when the eye liner streaks down your face with the sweat. ;^_^
    Of course, some girls go there to pick up guys. So, I guess I can kind of understand what they're trying to do. (Though they might get more criticism than dates.)