Afraid of going to the gym?



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I myself am too afraid to go to the gym due to multiple reasons but to anyone who might be braver, you should go and piss the negative people off!!! :D They don't own the place, go work your butt off and have fun no matter what anyone says or does! Wear whatever you want (within dress code), including too loose clothes, too tight clothes, makeup, or whatever. :) It's your body and even if you're 90 or 900lbs if you wanna wear skinny jeans or spandex and a tshirt you go ahead! Whatever your body is like, don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. You belong there as much as anyone else.

    (Btw this is from a fat chick who will wear a long tee and leggings out (if my anxiety doesn't prevent it), because I want to and I'm not going to let people dictate what I wear or don't wear because they think my body is gross.)
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    When I was at my highest weight a few years back, I came to this realization: what's the worst they could possibly be thinking? "Wow, you need to work out, fatty?" Because that's what I was doing. :laugh:

    Agreed that most people are wondering so much if they're being looked at that they aren't even looking at others. It's called the "fishbowl effect": everyone thinks they're inside a fishbowl and the world is looking in, when we're really each just another fish in a huge tank. :P
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Sometimes women do their hair and wear make up as if they're going out to go to the gym... just crazy.

    I wear makeup because I like to, and if I went to the gym I'd wear it there too. The only place I don't wear makeup is when going swimming. Also, maybe they just came from somewhere else, and didn't take their makeup off before working out. You don't know their life and their schedule, why bother taking off your makeup just to work out when you're gonna shower after anyway??...
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    I myself am too afraid to go to the gym due to multiple reasons but to anyone who might be braver, you should go and piss the negative people off!!! :D They don't own the place, go work your butt off and have fun no matter what anyone says or does! Wear whatever you want (within dress code), including too loose clothes, too tight clothes, makeup, or whatever. :) It's your body and even if you're 90 or 900lbs if you wanna wear skinny jeans or spandex and a tshirt you go ahead! Whatever your body is like, don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. You belong there as much as anyone else.

    (Btw this is from a fat chick who will wear a long tee and leggings out (if my anxiety doesn't prevent it), because I want to and I'm not going to let people dictate what I wear or don't wear because they think my body is gross.)

    Be careful please. ;^_^ I just wanted to give those who needed it motivation without offending any of those who believed the opposite I did. I don't want there to be much negativity here. We shouldn't criticize anyone, no matter what side of the spectrum they're on; no matter the spectrum.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    When I was at my highest weight a few years back, I came to this realization: what's the worst they could possibly be thinking? "Wow, you need to work out, fatty?" Because that's what I was doing. :laugh:

    Agreed that most people are wondering so much if they're being looked at that they aren't even looking at others. It's called the "fishbowl effect": everyone thinks they're inside a fishbowl and the world is looking in, when we're really each just another fish in a huge tank. :P

    Not to upset anyone but I have read some awful awful stuff online that people really do think when looking at fat people, including thinking we should die or be killed or that we're horrible people for invading THEIR workout space, or thinking that we have no right to leave the house because looking at us is just that disgusting. (Yes, I have read a TON of these sentiments, over and over again. People are thinking it.)
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    When I was at my highest weight a few years back, I came to this realization: what's the worst they could possibly be thinking? "Wow, you need to work out, fatty?" Because that's what I was doing. :laugh:

    Agreed that most people are wondering so much if they're being looked at that they aren't even looking at others. It's called the "fishbowl effect": everyone thinks they're inside a fishbowl and the world is looking in, when we're really each just another fish in a huge tank. :P

    Not to upset anyone but I have read some awful awful stuff online that people really do think when looking at fat people, including thinking we should die or be killed or that we're horrible people for invading THEIR workout space, or thinking that we have no right to leave the house because looking at us is just that disgusting. (Yes, I have read a TON of these sentiments, over and over again. People are thinking it.)
    Obviously you have some premeditative hate towards criticism of those who are considered overweight. Please leave the emotion and anger out of motivation threads. It never conducts a good personal attitude for others.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    Be careful please. ;^_^ I just wanted to give those who needed it motivation without offending any of those who believed the opposite I did. I don't want there to be much negativity here. We shouldn't criticize anyone, no matter what side of the spectrum they're on; no matter the spectrum.

    I'm not criticizing anyone, just saying if people are going to get mad at someone for being themselves (OMG THE HORROR) then go be happy being yourself and let them be mad, don't let their irrational problems control you.
    Also, if someone was offended by me wanting other people to be themselves instead of be intimidated by bullies.... then they obviously have bigger problems than my post...
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    Sometimes women do their hair and wear make up as if they're going out to go to the gym... just crazy.
    Sometimes I wear a little make-up to the gym. Not full-on night-on-the-town make-up, just enough to be a little pick me up. May sound silly but I am currently a stay-at-home-mom so going to the gym/park/grocery store really is "going out" for me.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    Sometimes women do their hair and wear make up as if they're going out to go to the gym... just crazy.
    Sometimes I wear a little make-up to the gym. Not full-on night-on-the-town make-up, just enough to be a little pick me up. May sound silly but I am currently a stay-at-home-mom so going to the gym/park/grocery store really is "going out" for me.
    I will put on some foundation to even out the coloring in my face and perhaps some highlighting eye shadow so that I don't look like a ghost, so I know what you mean. :3
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member

    Be careful please. ;^_^ I just wanted to give those who needed it motivation without offending any of those who believed the opposite I did. I don't want there to be much negativity here. We shouldn't criticize anyone, no matter what side of the spectrum they're on; no matter the spectrum.

    I'm not criticizing anyone, just saying if people are going to get mad at someone for being themselves (OMG THE HORROR) then go be happy being yourself and let them be mad, don't let their irrational problems control you.
    Also, if someone was offended by me wanting other people to be themselves instead of be intimidated by bullies.... then they obviously have bigger problems than my post...
    While I may disagree about you criticizing others, I find that it is more of a defense towards existing criticism. You can't control anyone else, so why voice your opinion about how they should act? You are, in the end, no different than them. I am, however, pleased that you found the thread worth visiting so frequently, thank you for the internet traffic as it helps it pop up more often. =D
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    When I was at my highest weight a few years back, I came to this realization: what's the worst they could possibly be thinking? "Wow, you need to work out, fatty?" Because that's what I was doing. :laugh:

    Agreed that most people are wondering so much if they're being looked at that they aren't even looking at others. It's called the "fishbowl effect": everyone thinks they're inside a fishbowl and the world is looking in, when we're really each just another fish in a huge tank. :P

    Not to upset anyone but I have read some awful awful stuff online that people really do think when looking at fat people, including thinking we should die or be killed or that we're horrible people for invading THEIR workout space, or thinking that we have no right to leave the house because looking at us is just that disgusting. (Yes, I have read a TON of these sentiments, over and over again. People are thinking it.)
    Obviously you have some premeditative hate towards criticism of those who are considered overweight. Please leave the emotion and anger out of motivation threads. It never conducts a good personal attitude for others.

    I have hate towards prejudice against anyone. Sorry, but the thoughts of prejudiced people that I pointed out a reality that a lot of people deal with and just because it'd be convenient to pretend it's not real doesn't mean that it isn't still there. Yes, I have lied to myself and thought "nobody really thinks those things, nobody is looking" but it's better to deal with the reality that SOME people do think that way, just not everyone or even the majority, and then learn to accept that you are okay no matter what. I don't like it when people are prejudiced against others race, sex, gender, attractions, religion, height, weight, 'beauty', age, health/illness, or anything else. It's disappointing to see how controversial it is to point out prejudice and be against it... Is it really more acceptable to let those who are prejudiced run the show so we don't offend them?.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    When I was at my highest weight a few years back, I came to this realization: what's the worst they could possibly be thinking? "Wow, you need to work out, fatty?" Because that's what I was doing. :laugh:

    Agreed that most people are wondering so much if they're being looked at that they aren't even looking at others. It's called the "fishbowl effect": everyone thinks they're inside a fishbowl and the world is looking in, when we're really each just another fish in a huge tank. :P

    Not to upset anyone but I have read some awful awful stuff online that people really do think when looking at fat people, including thinking we should die or be killed or that we're horrible people for invading THEIR workout space, or thinking that we have no right to leave the house because looking at us is just that disgusting. (Yes, I have read a TON of these sentiments, over and over again. People are thinking it.)
    Obviously you have some premeditative hate towards criticism of those who are considered overweight. Please leave the emotion and anger out of motivation threads. It never conducts a good personal attitude for others.

    I have hate towards prejudice against anyone. Sorry, but the thoughts of prejudiced people that I pointed out a reality that a lot of people deal with and just because it'd be convenient to pretend it's not real doesn't mean that it isn't still there. Yes, I have lied to myself and thought "nobody really thinks those things, nobody is looking" but it's better to deal with the reality that SOME people do think that way, just not everyone or even the majority, and then learn to accept that you are okay no matter what. I don't like it when people are prejudiced against others race, sex, gender, attractions, religion, height, weight, 'beauty', age, health/illness, or anything else. It's disappointing to see how controversial it is to point out prejudice and be against it... Is it really more acceptable to let those who are prejudiced run the show so we don't offend them?.
    Are you making much of a difference by having the same approach to this topic that they have? Accept waht is going on and you can personally deal with it. Help those around you accept it as well, and in time it will change. Rejecting public opinion will help nothing, and no one will improve.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    While I may disagree about you criticizing others, I find that it is more of a defense towards existing criticism. You can't control anyone else, so why voice your opinion about how they should act? You are, in the end, no different than them. I am, however, pleased that you found the thread worth visiting so frequently, thank you for the internet traffic as it helps it pop up more often. =D

    Okay, so it's okay to make a whole thread criticizing others for how they dress and what makeup they wear at the gym or whatever.... but it's wrong to speak out and say "hey, just be yourself and let them be mean". I really don't know why you made this thread to help counter their criticism if you are going to criticize me for criticizing them for being mean to people who just want to go to the gym? *Facepalm* And saying "be yourself and screw what the negative people think" is exactly like saying " What are these people thinking doing ____ in MY PRESENCE" ? Yeah, I'm so awful because I'm encouraging people to *Gasp* go to the gym in clothes that others MIGHT find objectionable...
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    All I can say is u r in this journey for yourself none else it should not matter what people think there is always going to be someone judging u no matter how u look be yourself do not care what others think
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Are you making much of a difference by having the same approach to this topic that they have? Accept waht is going on and you can personally deal with it. Help those around you accept it as well, and in time it will change. Rejecting public opinion will help nothing, and no one will improve.
    My approach to the topic being what...? That being mean is bad and being nice is good? Will sitting back and never speaking up for people be more effective somehow? I'm pretty sure rejecting public opinion helped women to vote and other races to have equal rights, and scientists to make new discoveries the church and population might have rejected, and gays to marry in some states, and gays to be able to be out in public with their partners without having their heads bashed in, and the handicapped to have ramps where people used to not bother, and those with dwarfism not to be viewed as sideshow freaks, and yeah...obviously rejecting public opinion and speaking out for love and acceptance is really radical and ineffective. ;)
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    All I can say is u r in this journey for yourself none else it should not matter what people think there is always going to be someone judging u no matter how u look be yourself do not care what others think

    Amen. :)
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    While I may disagree about you criticizing others, I find that it is more of a defense towards existing criticism. You can't control anyone else, so why voice your opinion about how they should act? You are, in the end, no different than them. I am, however, pleased that you found the thread worth visiting so frequently, thank you for the internet traffic as it helps it pop up more often. =D

    Okay, so it's okay to make a whole thread criticizing others for how they dress and what makeup they wear at the gym or whatever.... but it's wrong to speak out and say "hey, just be yourself and let them be mean". I really don't know why you made this thread to help counter their criticism if you are going to criticize me for criticizing them for being mean to people who just want to go to the gym? *Facepalm* And saying "be yourself and screw what the negative people think" is exactly like saying " What are these people thinking doing ____ in MY PRESENCE" ? Yeah, I'm so awful because I'm encouraging people to *Gasp* go to the gym in clothes that others MIGHT find objectionable...

    I have not been trying to be offensive to you at all. While I found your posts out of line myself, I thought that you were free to voice your opinion, although I also believe that you should not include negativity at all. I am not criticizing you at all. I find it perfectly acceptable how you act and comment, I just don't find it conductive. Please do not try to make me feel bad about how I act or think. I find that, in the end, criticism hurts not only those who are criticized, but also those who criticize. I don't find you "awful" for encouraging people to be comfortable in what they will at the gym, but I find extremist attitudes harmful and controversial.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    Are you making much of a difference by having the same approach to this topic that they have? Accept waht is going on and you can personally deal with it. Help those around you accept it as well, and in time it will change. Rejecting public opinion will help nothing, and no one will improve.
    My approach to the topic being what...? That being mean is bad and being nice is good? Will sitting back and never speaking up for people be more effective somehow? I'm pretty sure rejecting public opinion helped women to vote and other races to have equal rights, and scientists to make new discoveries the church and population might have rejected, and gays to marry in some states, and gays to be able to be out in public with their partners without having their heads bashed in, and the handicapped to have ramps where people used to not bother, and those with dwarfism not to be viewed as sideshow freaks, and yeah...obviously rejecting public opinion and speaking out for love and acceptance is really radical and ineffective. ;)

    No. Your approach is not an opinion, it's more of an MO. How you enter a situation and counter outer stimuli. I believe that there are different ways to 'approach' different situations, and that the way to help sway the opinions of others is through tolerance, even though it may not be recepted. Life and attitude tends to be an endless cycle and one side has to shape up before the attitude disperses onward.
  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    Also, I must say, just because I state what I believe, I truly do not mean that you should follow my attitude. Do what works for you. I'm just trying to help out those who feel that what they're currently doing isn't working for them. If you're happy in how you deal with life and the things in it, then don't change for anyone. Be you for you.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    I have not been trying to be offensive to you at all. While I found your posts out of line myself, I thought that you were free to voice your opinion, although I also believe that you should not include negativity at all. I am not criticizing you at all. I find it perfectly acceptable how you act and comment, I just don't find it conductive. Please do not try to make me feel bad about how I act or think. I find that, in the end, criticism hurts not only those who are criticized, but also those who criticize. I don't find you "awful" for encouraging people to be comfortable in what they will at the gym, but I find extremist attitudes harmful and controversial.

    I'm beyond disturbed that thinking you should love yourself and do what you want is considered 'extremist'.
    One can never be positive all the time. One needs to criticize things that are wrong, that's how the world works. That's why crimes are stopped. Because people say "no, that's wrong". and do something about it. It doesn't hurt you to criticize someone for bullying or intimidating another. If anything the people doing the original intimidation/criticism might realize a different view exists and change their ways. If a kid draws on the walls with permanent marker you criticize him. He doesn't realize it's wrong until you tell him so. Yeah, that's oversimplifying the issue but the point still stands....criticism is necessary, and not all criticism is a hurtful attack. I didn't even mean to start an argument but I'm not going to stand for being shushed at for no reason... I understand you don't want people to get offended but seriously what I said wasn't THAT radical. If it makes you happy go to the gym in something others might not like and 'make' them mad because in the end it's their hangups making them mad, not you. People get upset over all sorts of things that are unreasonable but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do them. :)