I tried to porridge for the first time this morning. I got the original Quaker Oat so Simple sachets. I tipped it in a bowl, measured the milk and added, popped in the microwave for 2 minutes where it exploded :/ it came out really like stodgey? I topped it with some cinnamon and blueberries and I didn't really like the…
Hi, I broke my wrist some time ago and managing to exercise has been quite difficult for me. Since its been able to take some stress I've been doing a lot of walking, running on my treadmill and crunches. I'm getting a bit bored of it and would like to spice it up a bit, does anyone have any ideas for me? :)
It doesn't matter what I do, my family just don't support me. I can kinda handle that part, its the criticizing that I can't. This morning after my run I made scrambled eggs (1 egg, 1 white) on a slice of wholemeal bread. My brother goes "Eggs make you put on weight, not lose it". Grrrrrrrrrrrr!