I have been thinking about why is it that when people try to figure out themselves they do a self diagnosis and they cling to the very first thing they feel it is instead of getting a second opinion. Or why do people say something Like PTSD disorder when the D in PTSD is disorder. its confusing.
I was listening to the radio and I heard the comment, "If death is so easy and Life is so hard why are people so afraid of death?" So I pondered it for a minute and I came up with this. I notice that people live theri life so hard and there have been people that choose to end their life earlier than what it was supposed to…
I was on my home page and I niticed that the friends i do have only comment on the friends they have had for a while. Not that im getting all emotional or butt hurt. Im just curious as to why do people want to be a pert of my friends but they dont talk to me or help to encourage. I guess im a little concerned I think im…
I just want to say Im new to this. My name is Aric, Im a very social person and I just like people. I will need some accounatbility but it would be good to hear about success stories. I started this abotu 3 weeks ago and I weighed in at 380 lbs. My goal is 225. Just trying to get back to my Ideal weight.