

  • I hope it works out for you. Its actually really fun and It the people here are amazing if you find the crowd you like to either push you to do better or to just hang with you and be a person to just talk to.
  • Stupidity should be painful thats all i have to say about this.
  • I Actually find time at work to walk around the building a coupel times and I really enjoy that and it gives me a break from DRAMA. feel free to add me if you like.
  • I wil hold anybody accountable as long as you do the same for me.... Its all about the support and you have to be able to handle constructive criticism if you want to add me.
  • You have come to the right place. I hope you enjoy the adventure (Journey is way too depressing of a word.) I have been on here for a coupel weeks now and I have lost about 8 lbs. You will do great.
  • I also have a belief and I dont like to preach to people or to push them away because its not about words or being Labeled as a "Christian." I hate the christian label becuase so many people have perverted the meaning and when you walk up to sombody that committed a murder and they say I am a christian that makes others…
  • Well I like thougth provoking subjects and things that make me wan to have a deep conversation. It gets boring when all you do is say "hey hows your day", "Whats New?", I like being out of the ordinary and talking about cool stuff as long as it doesnt get out of control and people get butt hurt.
  • Instinct is good. I like that. I didnt think in bug terms. Instinct is very literal. To me its a closed minded way of saying that everything has a purpose and thats it. Not everything has a purpose unless we give it purpose. A rock has a purpose when its been given. Ants have purpose also. For a mind that is free thinking…
  • I agree. I thougth i said somehting interesting in prior postings and didnt get anything but somebody that said keep it up and it really didnt have anything to do with my diet.
  • Where were you guys 4 weeks ago?????
  • I try to motivate as well. but when i make comments there is no response. It is kind of weird.
  • I gave my snickers bar away today. a case worker wanted it so i gave it to her.
  • Its not as hard as you think. I have had a snickers bar in my work desk for a month now and it doesnt seem to bug me yet.
  • Its interesting that I actually gained weight wieh my wife was pregnant as well. Her and I are working on loseing weight too. I have been on here for 4 weeks and so far ive lost 8 lbs. You also said that in a perfect world Chocolate would be healthy well Dark Chocolate is healthy (if you like Dark Chocolate)
  • I guess I dont really know why you all call it a journey. Its more like an adventure. Journey to me is something that sounds painful. An adventure is something that is going to be new fresh and will have its hills but the way up will be good and positive. Maybe im Hypeanalyzing the word. anyway im planning on having fun…
  • Wow, Thanks for the welcome. I am excited to try this out. I need this not just for me but for my wife and children. I have to be able to keep up with them.