One week in; 6 lbs down.

Feeling good and optimistic. Logging everything and drinking a ton of water.
I have used WW and MFD before so I know it will get harder but I've convinced a co-worker to join me on here which helps keep us both on track.

Right now just focusing on the eating and will slowly start adding more exercise!
Hope everyone has had a good week.


  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Hi jodie,
    That's some start - and I really don't want to put a downer on it but isn't that a bit much to be losing in 1 week - the recommended here is 1lb a week and I think. I could be wrong but also think that 2 lbs a week is meant to be the max of what you should be looking at.
    I'm also on my first week and am eating less than I had planned and think I might lose more than 2 lbs this week, but that wasn't my intention and tbh i don't think it's wise to aim for that and so i am looking for extra calories from healthy food to make up for the junk that I've cut out from my diet.

    Anyway it's great that you had the enthusiasm and determinationto lose so much - but maybe take it easy we're in it for the long haul :wink:
    Best of luck with the diet and fitness.
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    That's a GREAT start! Congrats!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    The first week's loss is always the best of the bunch, isn't it? Congrats and welcome!
  • AricAngel
    AricAngel Posts: 21
    I hope it works out for you. Its actually really fun and It the people here are amazing if you find the crowd you like to either push you to do better or to just hang with you and be a person to just talk to.
  • Summersadiva
    Summersadiva Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the jumpstart!!