So after being a really good girl about logging my food for the last couple of weeks I have realized that my problem is the hidden salt in foods. All this time I really thought I ate way too many carbs, yet day after day I am under on my carbs but WAY over on my salt. The funny thing is I rarely ever even pick up the salt…
The first time he ever hit me I was 19 years old. Him and his friend had been drinking Tequila. He had the stereo blaring and it was about 2:30 in the morning. I was getting irritated because it was so late and I was tired. When I turned the stereo down, it completely ticked him off, bringing on a barrage of curse words in…
Begining this morning, I am no longer MORBIDLY obese. Of course I'm still obese but it is a relief that "morbid" is not in front of it anymore to describe me. Overweight here I come!! Nine total inches lost YAY!