meat portions pre or post cook?
Hey guys, I was wondering if there was a proper way to get the weight of meat? Would u weigh it on a scale before u cooked it?or after? Made hamburgers the other night and grilled them, but wasn't sure how to get the most correct calorie content for it, since the weight seems to change a lot after sitting on a grill. And…
diet and camping!?
Hey guys, I leave this Friday morning to go camping for the weekend, and i'm trying to figure out how to stay on my meal plan, trick is I'm pretty much on nutrasystem atm and i throw in yogurt etc. SO with no microwaves around, trying to figure out what to pack. Do you think yogurt would keep in a cooler for a few days?…
Hi from stormy MN!
Hi everyone, I'm new! I found out about this site from a video on youtube. I've only been at it for three days and i'm determined to stay with it! I'm 5'7" and just saw the scale hit 210lbs a few days ago, i knew i put on weight for the last 2 years but seeing that almost made me cry. My eating habits got crazy (sweet…