I just had shoulder surgery. My labrum was repaired after I tore it bench pressing. I am a competitive bodybuilder. I have been out of the gym since the holidays. My surgery was January 2nd. I'm dying to start doing something in the gym. I haven't gotten any clearance from my ortho to step foot in the gym much less take my…
So I heard that squatting with a smith machine was not good for you because of the unnatural motion. Its more of the up and down motion and not really allowing you to naturally squat. Anyone else hear this? Or does anyone else squat with the smith machine?
My name is Erika and I am yet again on another weightloss journey. My goal weight is 130 lbs by july. I am currently at 198. Where I am so motivated at the gym, I really have a hard time sticking to my eating habits. My journey started back in 2010 when I tipped the scales at 250lbs. My lowest weight weighed in at 170. So…