Hello, Has anyone had any success with carb cycling? I've done low carb in the past, and if course it works until you start eating carbs again. The carb cycling program i'm looking at does Mon-Tues low carb, Wed carbs, Thurs-Fri low carb, Sat carb, then Sunday is a cheat day. The logic behind the carb cycling is that the…
Help! I eat well all day then blow my whole day with after dinner munching. This is a pattern for me and I can't seem to break the habit. Even if I can manage to resist for a few days, I eventually give in again. Anyone that has any useful tips to stop the late night munching that is sabotaging my diet I would greatly…
Hi there-Just wondering if anyone has any helpful tips for keeping control during family dinners. I serve healthy food, its just the serving sizes that get to me sometimes. I find it difficult to have a half a cup of rice or to hold back on seconds when it comes to pasta or potatoes (my weakness). I love MFP because I dont…
Hello, I've been using my fitness pal all summer but this is my first post! I've lost 10 pounds by just counting calories. I keep telling myself "OK, now I need to start exercising", but I just can't seem to get started. I am a busy mother of 3 with a full time job and attending school myself......I know, I know, it sounds…