i feel disgusting i don't wanna eat at all anymore! cause i wanna stop being obese!! :'( please someone support me i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/sweetshine123/webcam-toy-photo118.jpg i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/sweetshine123/webcam-toy-photo117.jpg…
hey i reall don't know how to add pics to the topic can someone help me?
how do you uploads pics to here ??
i have been on this new diet and excersise routine for almost a week and im getting pain in my right thigh my left hip and my back. it hurts any time i move them or bend them. Is this because ive done to much excersise??
is it ok to eat whatever you want aslong as you dont go over the limit of fat carbs calories and protein?
I just noticed the same topics are being posted over and over again by the same people/robots
Whats up i new to this whole fitness pal thing and would like to know has it helped anyone lose weight?? Because i really need to lose some