So I've been using my Polar for only a few days at this point and I do love being able to have an accurate count of calories burned. But, I'm confused about the fat other Polar users believe its accurate? Almost for every session so far, it has my workout in Zone 3 (although I don't feel like I'm going ALL…
So...I'm jumping on the IIFYM band wagon since I've been at a bit of a plateau. My plan is 103c/160p/64f per day which breaks out to 34c/53p/12f per meal. Do you all have any high protein meal ideas to share? I've such a carb person that its hard for me to imagine how to "cut them out". Breakfast is especially hard since…
Really hate doing cardio but my weightloss progress has stalled for 5 weeks now. Guess I'm going to have to kick the cardio back up. I'll miss you weights... Anyone feel my pain?