A pound is a pound is a pound...
...is it not? I keep hearing and have heard most of my life "muscle weighs more than fat". Can someone please explain to me how a POUND of muscle weighs more than a POUND of fat or a POUND of butter or a POUND of shipping peanuts? Math and science were not always my best subjects, and I know I'm not a rocket scientist, but…
Attn. Denver area friends
So, I'm going to Water World on Thurs. and I'm just wondering, how many miles do you think the average person walks spending a day at Water World? I'm obviously not going to be able to wear my pedometer and I'm really pretty curious how many miles I would get in. Any one ever wear their pedometer to Elitche's? I'm thinking…
Where do you find the time?
I'm wondering where everyone finds the time for all these amazing calorie burn workouts? I'm not a morning person so I have a tendency to get up only about 30 min before I have to be at work, then work 8-12 hr days then I get home, make dinner, do chores (feed animals, laundry, dishes, etc), then homework and by the time…
Bodybugg or ????
With as much as I'm loving MFP, I'm wondering just how accurate the "calories burned" report is. Like when I go walk for 10 min. at a moderate pace, am I really burning 49 calories? Maybe my body is burning more, or less. I was looking at the Bodybugg but the idea of having to pay for the monthly subscription after the…