How many people out there live with someone who doesnt realy want you to loose weight for there own reasons for what ever that may be. Maybe its a spouse or love one thats says they love you just the way you are. Maybe your the main cook in the house and your partner isnt ready for healthy food to be dished. Maybe an…
I thought id throw it out there and ask the question. What was the turning point for you to say enough is enough. And how bad did you let yourself go before this turning point. Was it for health or family. Id love to hear some stories of how you finaly realised that you need to do something. Personly diabetes saved my life…
Gday all im a south Australian looking for other Ausies or anyone for that fact to help motivate each other as friends. Lost around 15 kg so far and have a long way to go.
Just read a post of someone being happy they are no longer morbidly obese. What are the stages of fatness lol. Soz posted in wrong area
Hmmmm this is the first time i have ever realy lost weight 15kg . I have lost it in around 4 months with no exercise. I have failed in the past because exercise has made me 10 x hungrier and ive fallen off the wagon. This may be strange but true. I have a tread mill and want to start going on it but am afraid my hunger…
Hi my name is shane from Australia. Been using this app on my iphone along with a kj to calorie converter. I have lost 15kg in around 4 months. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was put on meds to lower my blood sugar. I now dont have to take medication because of my weight loss. Im 37 and I am starting to get my…