Do you live with an enabler?

How many people out there live with someone who doesnt realy want you to loose weight for there own reasons for what ever that may be. Maybe its a spouse or love one thats says they love you just the way you are. Maybe your the main cook in the house and your partner isnt ready for healthy food to be dished. Maybe an insecure partner will bring you a block of chocolate when they know your trying to loose weight. Hmmm love to hear any stories.


  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I don't live with one, my husband is pretty good at jumping on board with me, but we do have some enablers in our lives who would gladly over feed us and tell us not to worry so much about our weight, we really have to stand firm with them!

  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    LOL my mother complains all the time about her weight and when I actually went past her in the scale she would right in front of me say look at me. She actually everytime never fails I throw junk food out never buy it anymore so what does my mother do? Oh she sends oreos and other things she knows I use to love hoping I stay fat with her and if she loses it great but dare I not get thinner than her again. How sad is that? She knows I want nothing but healthy food in my house. Why do ppl do this, it irks me. haha See I could go on too. ;p
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    My husband doesn't like me thin, or even at a healthy weight. Never suspected him to be a chubby chaser, as we've been together for almost 12 years and when I've caught him looking at other women they couldn't have weighed more than 130 (always thought he prefered them thin). Mine just gets mad at me when I go to bed at 9, and expects me to stay up late with him watching the late shows like we used to do. He tries bringing me home garbage food or tries to taunt me with ice cream but I don't cave in. I stopped nagging on him last year. When his health declines as a result of his crappy eating, he'll learn. I admit, it is hard though b/c it almost destroyed our marriage.
  • shanefg
    shanefg Posts: 29 Member
    LOL my mother complains all the time about her weight and when I actually went past her in the scale she would right in front of me say look at me. She actually everytime never fails I throw junk food out never buy it anymore so what does my mother do? Oh she sends oreos and other things she knows I use to love hoping I stay fat with her and if she loses it great but dare I not get thinner than her again. How sad is that? She knows I want nothing but healthy food in my house. Why do ppl do this, it irks me. haha See I could go on too. ;p

    LOL yeah that sucks. I see your an 80s metal head Im pissed i missed out on tickets to metallica on ther oz tour.
  • marshmallowmind
    marshmallowmind Posts: 82 Member
    Oh christ yes! My boyfriend is stick thin, over 6foot tall & weighs less than 10 stone but he's one of the lucky few who are naturally like that. So of course, he eats whatever he pleases without having to worry. But me? Nope, I have to watch what I eat otherwise I balloon out big time. Whenever we have money, it's always take-aways, pizza, chocolate, anything & everything that's bad for you & he wolfs it down & I'm just sat there drooling because I want it so bad. So of course, thinking he's being kind, tries to get me to eat it. A lot of the time I can resist but some of the time, it's just too hard.
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    My husband doesn't like me thin, or even at a healthy weight. Never suspected him to be a chubby chaser, as we've been together for almost 12 years and when I've caught him looking at other women they couldn't have weighed more than 130 (always thought he prefered them thin). Mine just gets mad at me when I go to bed at 9, and expects me to stay up late with him watching the late shows like we used to do. He tries bringing me home garbage food or tries to taunt me with ice cream but I don't cave in. I stopped nagging on him last year. When his health declines as a result of his crappy eating, he'll learn. I admit, it is hard though b/c it almost destroyed our marriage.
    Do you think it is insecurity on his part or perhaps guilt that he doesn't want to be the only one eating junk? Who knows it could be a bit of both too.
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    So true! Now that I am losing weight, my boyfriend gets scared because he is afraid I will "bring all the boys to the yard" like that song. LOL! He likes it when I am clingy and insecure:)
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    Yeah I grew up on metal and I feel your pain. I haven't been to a concert let alone a decent concert in forever! THAT p!sses me off! grrr. LOL
  • CoolMoonGoddess
    Well I don't live with one but my mother will continually send home cookies, cupcakes, etc with my kids... when she knows I'm trying to lose weight and those foods are my weakness!!
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    @ Tramaine81: Aw hun that's not good, tell him don't be insecure look at is as you got me and they can't! so tell him to learn to go nananananana to them! ;)
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,634 Member
    Luckily my husband and I are on the same page, trying to lose weight. However, I think people really engage in the "crab in the basket" syndrome when a loved one starts making positive changes, whether it's going back to school, losing weight, stopping drinking, etc. The person who feels "left behind" will do anything to sabotage your efforts - snide remarks, bringing home Dunkin' Donuts, sulking, saying "if you loved me you'd eat this food I prepared for you."

    Recognize that it's a reflection on them - their issue, their insecurity. Most likely they see you spreading your wings, and are afraid that you'll abandon them for bigger and better. They probably need reassurance that they're still important to you, and that making positive changes for yourself doesn't mean you are abandoning them. If you can recognize where they are coming from, then you can compassionately, yet firmly stick to your goals, not take that second helping of Mom's lasagne, throw out the Oreo "gift", etc.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I don't live with one but my mom is an enabler. She came for a visit right when I was starting on MFP. She told me months in advance that she wanted to go to breakfast at this diner in town that she saw on some food channel. I checked out the diner in advance knowing it was going to be a rough. But I made a plan. no matter what I ordered I was only going to eat half and I was going to get water only to drink. No my mom is a diabetic and has to eat every few hours so i warned her that I probably wouldn't be hungry for many many hours after eating at the diner. She said ok so we went. I was good had a plain waffle with a banana and a small piece of ham and I eat half of everything except the banana. Three hours later around lunch time, she said she needed to eat again and I told her to help herself to anything in the kitchen but that I was not hungry (and I wasn't I could still feel the waffle in my stomach) and she starts... "You know you really should eat. You haven't eaten since breakfast." Now I was strong and gently reminded her that I warned her that I probably wouldn't be hungry at lunch and probably wouldn't eat. Now I generally don't skip lunch but then I normally don't eat large breakfasts and when I do I'm just not hungry and I refuse to eat if I'm not hungry.

    I love my mom but she always makes it hard to stay on track!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    My husband doesn't like me thin, or even at a healthy weight. Never suspected him to be a chubby chaser, as we've been together for almost 12 years and when I've caught him looking at other women they couldn't have weighed more than 130 (always thought he prefered them thin). Mine just gets mad at me when I go to bed at 9, and expects me to stay up late with him watching the late shows like we used to do. He tries bringing me home garbage food or tries to taunt me with ice cream but I don't cave in. I stopped nagging on him last year. When his health declines as a result of his crappy eating, he'll learn. I admit, it is hard though b/c it almost destroyed our marriage.
    Do you think it is insecurity on his part or perhaps guilt that he doesn't want to be the only one eating junk? Who knows it could be a bit of both too.

    I think it *may* be. I've over analyzed it so many times I'm just over it. I'm just learning to accept he and I are on two different paths, but opposites do attract and I do love him but I'm just worried about the life he leads. I would love someone to train with but I've given up hope. He has admitted he doesn't like the male attention I get. Never bothers me either way, but I think he could feel insecure.
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    Well I don't live with one but my mother will continually send home cookies, cupcakes, etc with my kids... when she knows I'm trying to lose weight and those foods are my weakness!!
    yup that is exactly what I am talking about!
  • gsp1953
    gsp1953 Posts: 1
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Oh christ yes! My boyfriend is stick thin, over 6foot tall & weighs less than 10 stone but he's one of the lucky few who are naturally like that. So of course, he eats whatever he pleases without having to worry. But me? Nope, I have to watch what I eat otherwise I balloon out big time. Whenever we have money, it's always take-aways, pizza, chocolate, anything & everything that's bad for you & he wolfs it down & I'm just sat there drooling because I want it so bad. So of course, thinking he's being kind, tries to get me to eat it. A lot of the time I can resist but some of the time, it's just too hard.

    My fiance is the same way! He's 6'4 175-180lb eats EVERYTHING, loads up his food with salt (he salts his soup....). I'm waiting for it to catch up to him some day and say, "HAHA, YOU'RE TURN TO LOSE THE WEIGHT!" sometimes I'm mean, haha.
  • ocnldy
    ocnldy Posts: 123 Member
    My husband isn’t and enabler, he’s an unintentional saboteur. He supports me working out and eating healthy but then does crazy stuff like makes Bacon sandwiches for breakfast. I don’t really think it’s on purpose; he just cooks what he likes, but then gets butt hurt when I explain to him I can eat it because it’s not good for me. I really just started working on myself and I think the only reason I’ve done well so far is he is out to sea. I’m hoping when he gets home he will see a perceptible difference and be more aware of the things he does around the house, like eating hot dogs, and sausage, and bacon……
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    Unfortunately that is just something he has to deal within himself. Well it's good you come here right? This place is so helpful and there is a lot of supportive ppl here.
  • mjmoore8480
    I havent even started to lose yet (at least, no weigh ins yet...) and my hubby is already starting to make comments about him not liking skinny women and that i better not loose too much. I was getting mad at first, but then I just realized that any enabler is just fueled by their own emotions and insecurities. I have been trying to pay him more attention and ignore the comments, and its starting to get better. I don't know if that will work for you but sometimes if you adress the real problem (like my hubby worrying about me getting skinny and going to find some "fresh meat" as he called it) and ignore the negativity then it should help them realize that you are doing it for both of you and not one or the other.
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I do! My husband is over weight and could care less. Its a struggle to feed myself healthy meals while he pigs out all night!