Okay...so I purchased Turbo Fire through Amazon a few days ago. I received it yesterday and today when I played it only 6 discs out of 15 worked. So I contacted the seller and he doesn't have anymore Turbo Fire sets in stock, but he's offered to send me either P90x or Insanity for free along with my full refund. Which…
Have any of you heard of these chips? They are sooooo good. I am addicted to potato chips. They are my weakness and I would choose chips over sweets any day. I am so glad I found them because they are actually considered healthier than regular potato chips. If you haven't tried them, you should.
How often should I weigh myself? and should I weigh myself before a workout or after a workout? I usually wait until i need to wear a belt on my loose jeans to weigh myself, but I want to start tracking my progress on here.
I was thinking about buying some shape ups until I saw how much they cost. Does anyone on here own a pair? I was hoping to get some feedback to see if they are worth buying.