

  • I had this same issue too. I decided to choose my health over my hair. I am going natural. It seems to be the best way to go if you want to keep a regular exercise regimen. I just got tired of getting a perm and then not wanting to exercise because I didn't want to sweat out my hair. I would say to myself I would exercise…
  • We all have those days and with the holiday coming up, I know I might just have one of those days this weekend. :-) As long as it's not an everyday occurrence, you'll be fine. Just stay focus on your overall long term goal.
  • Hmmm...I wouldn't throw it all away since you just bought it. I would just eat half of it.
  • Kashi's Strawberry Fields with light vanilla soy milk.
  • I totally agree with you!!!! There is no need to rush the results since this is suppose to be a lifestyle change. And since there is no need to rush to achieve the goal weight maybe once we reach it we'll be able to maintain it.
  • Awww...I think that's great! He wants you to have that dream wedding we all want. I wouldn't mind having an all out wedding either, but I've been a part of wedding parties and I've seen all that has be done for one, and I was like no. lol Unless I win a dream wedding sweepstakes. I definitely wouldn't turn it down.
  • I am getting married 3-20-12. That will be our 3-year anniversary since we started dating. It falls on a Tuesday, but we're fine with that because we've decided to have a "weddingmoon." Which basically means we're eloping. We haven't decided on a destination yet, but as of right now I have my heart set on Hawaii. I pretty…
  • Welcomez! It would be wrong for me to keep such "deliciousness" to myself. lol
    in Popchips Comment by lyrical_21 June 2011
  • I love those too.
    in Popchips Comment by lyrical_21 June 2011
  • Sour Cream & Onion, Parmesan Cheese & Garlic and the Sea Salt & Vinegar ones are my favorites. The vinegar ones can be pretty strong tho'.
    in Popchips Comment by lyrical_21 June 2011
  • They are kinda expensive, but I'm thinking about buying a box of them on their website. Much cheaper than buying them in the stores.
    in Popchips Comment by lyrical_21 June 2011
  • it's a very delicious candy.
  • Me!!! lol...I'll add you. :smile:
  • What type of scales do you guys have? I know they have some that separate your fat weight from your muscle least that's what i heard. I was really pissed off one day a few years back when i got on the scale and it said I weighed 144lbs, but I was a size 6. Didn't know I put on over 20lbs of muscle to a trainer…
  • I don't know how you feel about chocolate, but I eat dark chocolate. I'll eat like a 1/4 piece of a 2oz bar, and it's like 74% cocoa. It is really rich, but it works for me.
  • I need some supportive friends on here too! I'll add you. :smile:
  • Hey everybody, thanks for your feedback. I've decided to save my money. :smile: I already do the lunges and squats and butt lifts, so I'll continue to work it out.
  • @ acf 2 lol...I can never tell what's real or fake with these celebrity bodies anyway.
  • Yeah...I was thinking about the easytones too. And they do look better than the sketchers.
  • I love 30 day shred. I've done all three levels and I'm not going to lie to's rough. I just bought her ripped in 30 and I have watched it, but haven't done it yet because it looks like it hurts really bad. lol....but i'm determined. I'll probably start that dvd next week.
  • Hey everybody! I just joined on here about a couple days ago and so far I like it. It's easy to use and it definitely keeps me on track with my weight loss goals. :-)