My mom gave me a jar yesterday. Has anyone used this and is it worth it?
I moved to TX from WI (lived by Lake Michigan) in 1994. I truly miss the great state especially in the summer, spring and fall. Winters... Well sometimes. I love hearing about events and everything so although I don't live there anymore-WI is still my home!
I found this site on-line that calculates calories burned based on weight and activity. It has a lot of activities in it. It also compares your calories lost to a specific food item. I don't know how accurate it is. If someone can verify the amounts provided-I believe this would be an extra useful tool to use if you don't…
I have enjoyed this site. I was wondering about the small amount of things we can track at any given time. Also, can we add other vitamins or minerals to the list such as Vitamin B or D etc? I have enjoyed this site otherwise and has helped me become more aware of what I put in my mouth that ends up on my waist, thighs…