I'm traveling later this week and want to keep my StrongLifts 5x5 routine, so I've been looking up local gyms. Does Anytime Fitness have the barbell equipment for squats, bench press, etc?
Has anyone here used exercise to alleviate or prevent symptoms of depression? What kinds of exercise, and what frequency/duration of workouts seemed to have an effect? I've been on medication for a couple of years, but I've always heard about how being active is a great therapy for a variety of mental issues. (As I'm sure…
Hi all! I've been training on an "eat good things sensibly" philosophy so far, but I'm getting interested in incorporating more of a paleo menu into my diet. Does anyone here eat paleo? How does it affect your training and performance? I've heard arguments for and against, just curious what the group has to say about it. :)
Okay, so not technically a librarian yet... I'm working on that! I'm a full-time Research & Instruction Assistant and working on my Master of Library & Information Science degree. I want to be the sexy pinup librarian, not the dowdy spinster kind. I want to be a healthier version of myself, and this site has been a great…