Can anyone reccomend a good pediometer app for my phone?
I have been researching fitness trackers like fitbit, fuel band, jawbone, bodybugg, etc. to buy. I came across something called Amiigo this morning. The information was kind of general. Anyonehave information on this product? It looks incredible.
I am fairly new here and would love some friends that are trying to get pregnant during their weight loss journey (of course any supportive friends are welcome). I have a one year old after 10 years of trying and I am hoping that #2 is not too far off. I know that safely loosing weight will help me with everything.…
Last Monday I decided to get myself back into a healthier lifestyle. Thursday I found this app on my phone. Over the past few days I have discovered it is AMAZING! I have never been petite, but I love my curves. I just want to be healthier. A little about me... I started packing on weight while working, going to grad…