Hello one and all. I am new to the group and was wondering if anyone else here juices during flares or any other time? By juicing, I mean extracting juice from fruits and vegetables reaping the benefits but leaving the pulp and fiber behind. I would love to hear some recipes. My favorite is a simple but proven one. 3 red…
Hello one and all. Been a member for sometime and value the ease of this application as well as its many tools. One thing I have noticed that is missing however is the possibility to add vitamins/ supplements in a complete format. It would be nice to see how much Vitamin A i am taking in as well as iron adn zinc. Would…
Hi everyone. New to the site but very familiar with the app, use it several times a day. Here because I have Crohns and need to monitor intake as well as calories (good). On a low fiber diet as well as attempting( hah) to decrease caffeine and nicotine intake. Man, when it rains it pours. Love the app. Great assist for on…